Choose from either Deep Tissue or Relaxation. These 60-90 minute massages are perfect for stress release, circulation, injury prevention and mental/physical well-being.
$100/hr. Text 604-600-6777 or email for availability
All sessions are in the privacy of your home. They are a completely individualized program for every fitness level and physical capability.
$50/hr Private Yoga - Group Yoga $50/hr Text 604-600-6777 or email for availability
Access BARS is a tool that facilities a different way of functioning on the planet. The BARS are 32 points on the head where you have stored all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that you thought was important in any lifetime. When you have your BARS run it's like hitting the delete button on your computer. It literally clears all the SH*T you don't want in there. :)
$125/hr Text 604-600-6777 or email for availability